Herter Society Legacy Program
“With an abiding faith in a sense of worth, charity and community I am requesting that those in a position to do so pledge financial support to the Garth Newel Music Center through the Garth Newel Music Center Foundation.” – Christine Herter Kendall, January 1981

The Herter Society Legacy Program was established in 1981 to recognize those who have made future provisions for the Garth Newel Music Center in their estate plans, in any form or amount. Christine Herter Kendall, ever conscious of a long-standing family tradition of support to the arts, dreamed to one day establish a center for the study and performance of chamber music. In 1973 she along with musicians Arlene and Luca DiCecco made that dream a reality.
At Christine’s urging, the DiCecco’s (both musicians) began a summer chamber music study program on the property. The horse barn, where Arabian horses once trained, was transformed into a concert hall. In 1981, Christine died, bequeathing the property and a modest fund to the Di Cecco’s for the purpose of establishing the Garth Newel Music Center Foundation, an endowment program for the continuing study and performance of chamber music.
For more than 25 years, Luca and Arlene Di Cecco devoted themselves to the development of the Center. In 1998, at their retirement their vision (as well as that of Christine Herter Kendall) for the Garth Newel Music Center had become a reality.
We are extremely grateful for your donations. Large or small, they all make a difference. Are you aware that income from tickets purchased and meals served cover less than 40% of the cost of operating the Garth Newel Music Center? We rely on your donations and charitable bequests for the rest. If you are interested in ensuring that your support of the Garth Newel Music Center continues even after you are gone you are cordially invited to become a member of the Herter Society Legacy Program.
By leaving a lasting Legacy to the Garth Newel Music Center you help protect and ensure that both the music and Garth Newel itself will be available to future generations; while at the same time meeting your long term financial and philanthropic goals.
Your planned gift allows you to support Garth Newel in a way that suits your financial situation. You can make an outright gift of money, stock or real estate. You can also name Garth Newel as a beneficiary of assets such as a 401K, IRA, Life Insurance policy, a portion of your estate or residual estate. A well designed plan can result in your receiving income for life, avoidance of capital gains, a current tax reduction and an ultimate savings in estate taxes allowing you to leave more to your beneficiaries. You will also retain control of your assets if circumstances change and you can modify your bequest at any time. All while creating a legacy that reflects your love of music and the work of the Garth Newel Music Center.