The summer shenanigans at Garth Newel are now in full swing. Technically, we started July 4th weekend, with Rene Marie packing Herter Hall on Saturday, and with us resident musicians at the Homestead on Sunday.

But the roiling kickoff to our jam-packed season seemed to come this past weekend, with Saturday and Sunday filling us all with energizing performances, delicious meals, informative talks, and delightful company.
Saturday’s “Gypsiness” event began with the 4pm Musical Icebreaker “Wild Beauty: the intoxicating influence of gypsy music throughout time”. Several people had asked me for the links to videos that I had played throughout the talk, so here it the entire playlist –
One of the videos, Violon Tzigane, had not made it into the talk, but I wanted to point it out because it’s worth listening to. It definitely captures that manic energy that I love about gypsy music.
And now, for some pictures!
From Saturday’s “Gypsiness” Concert (7.9.16)

From Saturday’s dinner:

Sunday’s concert “Ravishment” (7.10.16)
A clip from Sunday’s concert of the Rachmaninoff sonata for cello and piano

From the picnic after the concert