There would be no music without you!
Did you know that income from tickets and events covers less than 40% of the cost of presenting exciting and inspiring experiences at the Garth Newel Music Center?
Garth Newel Music Center
PO Box 240
Warm Springs, VA 24484

The stewardship of our historic grounds and buildings was given in the trust that others would joyfully contribute to the preservation and sustainability of the Music Center. You, our patrons and visitors, are our single most important financial resource. Garth Newel continues to thrive through the support of the concert-going public and individuals who care. Each year we request contributions for our current operating expenses, guest artists, education programs, and the growth of our Endowment Fund.
Your generous contribution to the Music Center truly makes a difference!
To learn more about how you can support the Garth Newel Music Center, please contact us: 540-839-5018 or
Your privacy and trust are of the utmost importance to us. Please read more about your Donor Rights. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. If you have any questions, please contact or phone at 540-839-5018. Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm.
Annual Giving Levels
Friends | up to $100 |
Ensemble | $100 – $249 |
Dolce | $250 – $999 |
Presto | $1,000 – $2,499 |
Forte | $2,500 – $4,999 |
Allegretto | $5,000 – $9,999 |
Allegro | $10,000 – $24,999 |
Vivace | $25,000 – $49,000 |
Appassionato | $50,000 or more |
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions
The IRA Charitable Rollover provision of the PATH Act (Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes, permanently signed into legislation by President Obama in December 2015) allows individuals who have reached age 70½ to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), without treating the distribution as taxable income.
Individuals may begin taking distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) as early as age 59½, but are required to begin taking them at age 70½. Normally, these distributions are subject to income taxes unless they are made to a qualifying charity.
To qualify, the funds must be contributed to a public charity like the Garth Newel Music Center, and be made from traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs. Donors may receive no goods or services in return for their contributions, and must obtain written documentation of their contribution from each recipient charity.
These gifts count toward the required minimum distribution you must take annually from traditional IRAs, but aren’t included in your adjusted gross income thereby reducing your tax burden. To be clear, since the gifts aren’t counted in your income, you can’t claim an itemized charitable deduction for them as well.
IRA rollover provision removes negative tax consequences and encourages Americans to give back to their communities during their lifetime.
Contact the company managing your IRA to learn more about how the charitable IRA rollover provision can help you support the Garth Newel Music Center.
In case you need it for the required paperwork, our EIN or Tax Identification Number is 54-1569169.
Considering a gift of stock?
When people think about making an Annual Fund gift they usually get out their check books. As you assess your tax-deductible donations, consider the wisdom of making this year’s Annual Fund gift to Garth Newel from a different asset. Do you know that you can avoid the dreaded capital gains tax by transferring appreciated stock? In addition to being a smart tax move, a stock transfer minimizes market fluctuations, allowing you to maximize your gift to the Music Center. Here is the form to use to instruct your investment advisor to deliver your shares to us:
In-Kind Donations
Garth Newel is also often in need of in-kind donations of items for the Manor House, Kendall House, Giles Cottage and Green Room Apartment. If you have furniture, appliances or any other household item that you would like to donate, please let us know!
Contact Nikki at: 540-839-5018 or email at
Or if you have specific skills or services you would be willing to donate, your expertise is welcome! Please fill out the volunteer form below!
Herter Society Legacy Program
The Herter Society Legacy Program was established in 1981 to recognize those who have made future provisions for the Garth Newel Music Center in their estate plans, in any form or amount. Christine Herter Kendall, ever conscious of a long-standing family tradition of support to the arts, dreamed to one day establish a center for the study and performance of chamber music. In 1973 she along with musicians Arlene and Luca DiCecco made that dream a reality.

Would you like to volunteer to help Garth Newel Music Center?
Our volunteers are essential to our success. They can assist by greeting guests at concerts, selling concessions or tickets, participating in occasional clean-up days around the property, driving fellows or guest artists to and from the airport and in many other ways as well.
If you’d like more information please contact Heather Brinkley at or 540-839-5018.